At Paths University of Africa, we understand the importance of transparent and accessible tuition fee management for our students. Our Tuition Fee Management system is designed to provide you with clarity and flexibility when handling your educational expenses. Whether you’re paying tuition,  or other university-related costs, our system is here to support you throughout your academic journey.

Our Tuition Fee Management program is a streamlined financial tool tailored specifically for managing tuition fees and related expenses.

Tuition Fees

Credit Hours

Cost Per Credit Hour $

Total Cost For The Program $





Master in Agricultural Sciences




Master in Humanities




Master in Social Sciences




Bachelor of Engineering




Bachelor of Science in Mathematics




The cost per credit is a key factor in determining the total tuition fees for your academic program at Paths University of Africa. It represents the amount you will be charged for each credit hour of coursework you enroll in. Here’s a breakdown of how the cost per credit works:

1. Definition of Credit Hour:

  • A credit hour (or credit unit) is a measure of academic workload, typically representing one hour of classroom instruction per week over a semester. Courses are assigned credit hours based on their complexity and instructional time.

2. Calculation of Total Tuition Fees:

  • To calculate your total tuition fees for a semester or academic year, multiply the number of credit hours you plan to take by the cost per credit. The formula is: Total Tuition Fees=Number of Credit Hours×Cost per Credit

3. Factors Influencing Cost per Credit:

  • The cost per credit can vary based on factors such as:
    • Academic program: Different programs (e.g., undergraduate, graduate, professional) may have varying costs per credit.
    • Residency status: In some institutions, in-state students may have a lower cost per credit compared to out-of-state or international students.
    • Additional fees: Some programs or courses may have specific fees associated with labs, materials, or special instruction.

4. Transparency and Financial Planning:

  • Knowing the cost per credit allows you to plan your academic journey and budget effectively. It provides transparency into the financial commitment required for your chosen program and helps you make informed decisions about course enrollment.

Example Calculation:

  • Suppose the cost per credit at Paths University of Africa is $150.
  • If you enroll in 12 credit hours for a semester, the total tuition fees would be: Total Tuition Fees=12 credit hours×$150 per credit=$1,800

Extension courses at Paths University of Africa provide valuable learning opportunities for individuals seeking professional development, skill enhancement, or specialized knowledge in specific areas. The costs associated with extension courses may vary depending on the course content, duration, and instructional format. Here’s a breakdown of the typical costs for extension courses:

1. Course Fees:

  • Extension courses often have a separate fee structure compared to regular academic programs. The course fee may be based on factors such as the complexity of the subject matter, the expertise of the instructors, and the resources required for instruction.

2. Registration Fees:

  • When enrolling in an extension course, there may be a one-time registration fee or administrative fee. This fee covers the cost of processing your enrollment and accessing course materials.

3. Material Costs:

  • Some extension courses may require additional materials or resources, such as textbooks, software licenses, or specialized equipment. These material costs may be included in the course fee or listed separately.

4. Payment Options:

  • Paths University of Africa offers flexible payment options for extension courses, which may include upfront payment at the time of registration or installment plans spread over the duration of the course.

5. Discounts and Promotions:

  • Keep an eye out for discounts or promotions that may be available for certain extension courses. Paths University occasionally offers special pricing or bundled packages for multiple courses or early registrations.

Where to Find Cost Information:

  • Detailed information about the costs for specific extension courses can be found on the university’s website or through the extension program office. The course catalog or registration portal will typically list the fees associated with each course offering.

How to Enroll:

  • To enroll in an extension course, visit the university’s extension program website or contact the program office directly.
  • Follow the instructions for registration, select your desired course(s), and complete the payment process to secure your spot in the course.

For more information about extension courses, including costs, schedules, and course offerings, please reach out to the Paths University of Africa extension program office. We’re here to support you in your pursuit of continuous learning and professional development.

Paths University of Africa is committed to meeting the diverse educational needs of our students by offering a range of online courses. Whether you’re looking for flexibility in scheduling, the convenience of remote learning, or the opportunity to explore new subjects from anywhere in the world, our online courses provide a dynamic and engaging learning experience.

Key Features of Our Online Courses:

  1. Flexible Schedule: Online courses allow you to study at your own pace and schedule, providing the flexibility to balance your academic pursuits with other commitments such as work or family.

  2. Accessible Learning: Access course materials, lectures, and assignments from any location with internet connectivity. Our online platform is designed to enhance accessibility and promote a seamless learning experience.

  3. Interactive Experience: Engage with instructors and fellow students through online discussions, virtual classrooms, and collaborative projects. Our online courses leverage interactive technologies to foster meaningful interactions and community engagement.

  4. Diverse Course Offerings: Paths University offers a wide range of online courses across various disciplines, including business, technology, humanities, health sciences, and more. Explore our course catalog to discover subjects that align with your academic and career interests.

How to Enroll in Online Courses:

  1. Browse Course Catalog: Visit our website to explore the list of available online courses offered each semester.

  2. Register for Courses: Use our online registration portal to select the courses you wish to enroll in. Follow the registration instructions and pay any applicable fees to confirm your enrollment.

  3. Access Course Materials: Once registered, you’ll gain access to course materials, lectures, assignments, and communication tools through our learning management system (LMS).

Benefits of Online Learning:

  • Convenience: Study from anywhere and at any time that fits your schedule.

  • Cost-Effective: Save on commuting and accommodation expenses associated with on-campus attendance.

  • Career Advancement: Acquire new skills and credentials to enhance your career prospects and professional development.

Contact Us for More Information:

For inquiries about specific online courses, enrollment procedures, or technical support for online learning, please reach out to our Online Learning Office. We’re here to support you in achieving your academic goals through flexible and accessible online education at Paths University of Africa.

Paths University of Africa understands that financing education can be a significant concern for students and their families. We are dedicated to providing financial aid options to eligible students to help offset the costs of tuition and other educational expenses. Here’s an overview of our financial aid programs:

1. Types of Financial Aid:

  • Scholarships: Paths University offers various merit-based and need-based scholarships to academically talented students. Scholarships may cover full or partial tuition costs and are awarded based on academic achievement, leadership potential, and other criteria.

  • Grants: Eligible students may qualify for grants, which are typically awarded based on financial need and do not require repayment. Paths University offers federal, state, and institutional grants to support students from diverse backgrounds.

  • Loans: Students may have access to federal and private student loans to help cover educational expenses. Loans require repayment after graduation, but they provide a source of funding for students who need assistance beyond scholarships and grants.

2. How to Apply for Financial Aid:

  • To apply for financial aid at Paths University of Africa, students must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or other required application forms.

  • Our dedicated Financial Aid Office is available to assist students throughout the application process, answer questions, and provide guidance on available aid options.

3. Eligibility Criteria:

  • Financial aid eligibility is determined based on various factors, including family income, household size, academic performance, and enrollment status.

  • Eligible students must maintain satisfactory academic progress to continue receiving financial aid throughout their enrollment at Paths University.

4. Additional Support Services:

  • Paths University offers financial literacy workshops, counseling services, and resources to help students make informed decisions about managing finances, budgeting, and loan repayment.

Contact Us for More Information:

For detailed information about financial aid options, eligibility criteria, and application procedures, please contact the Paths University Financial Aid Office. We are committed to assisting you in exploring and accessing financial aid resources to support your academic journey

Paths University of Africa values the diverse educational experiences of our students and offers opportunities for credit transfer and testing out of prerequisites to support your academic goals. Here’s how you can take advantage of these options:

1. Credit Transfer:

  • If you have completed coursework at another accredited institution, you may be eligible to transfer credits toward your program at Paths University of Africa. Transfer credits are evaluated based on equivalency to our courses and program requirements.

  • To initiate the credit transfer process, submit official transcripts from your previous institution(s) to our Admissions Office. Our academic advisors will review your transcripts to determine which credits can be applied toward your program.

2. Testing Out of Prerequisites:

  • Paths University of Africa offers opportunities for students to demonstrate proficiency in prerequisite courses through placement exams or challenge exams. Testing out of prerequisites allows you to accelerate your academic progress and focus on advanced coursework.

  • If you believe you have the necessary knowledge and skills to bypass a prerequisite course, contact your academic advisor or department chair to inquire about available testing options and eligibility criteria.

3. Eligibility and Process:

  • Eligibility for credit transfer and testing out of prerequisites may vary depending on the specific program and course requirements. Our academic advisors are available to guide you through the process and provide personalized assistance based on your academic background and goals.

4. Benefits of Credit Transfer and Testing Out:

  • Save time and money by avoiding redundant coursework and progressing toward your degree efficiently.

  • Customize your academic plan to align with your career aspirations and interests.

Contact Us for More Information:

For detailed information about credit transfer policies, testing out of prerequisites, and eligibility criteria, please contact the Paths University of Africa Admissions Office or your academic advisor. We are committed to supporting you in maximizing your academic achievements and leveraging your prior learning experiences.

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